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Voti totali: 126

Omaggio ai librigame in Skyrim

Omaggio ai librigame in Skyrim

Chi di voi ha avuto modo di giocare (o almeno di vederlo giocare) al nuovo capitolo della saga "The Elder Scrolls", Skyrim,  si sarà accorto della vastità di libri presenti. Tra di essi ho scoperto un simpatico omaggio al mondo dei gamebook (più precisamente ai Scegli La Tua Avventura), un libercolo dal titolo "Kolb and the Dragon". E' davvero scarno e poco entusiasmante e va considerato come un tributo più che come una vera e propria avventura giocabile, ma in ogni caso penso possa far piacere a molti in questo forum.

Eccone il testo per i curiosi:

Page 1
Kolb was a brave Nord warrior. One day his Chief asked Kolb to slay an evil dragon that threatened their village. "Go through the mountain pass, Kolb", his Chief said. "You will find the Dragon on the other side"

Page 2
Kolb took his favorite axe and shield and walked to the pass, where he found a cold cave, a windy cave, and a narrow trail.
Enter the cold cave (17)

Enter the windy cave (8)

Walk up the trail (12)

Page 3
Kolb stepped onto a rocky hill. He could see the dragon sleeping below, and a tavern off a road nearby.
Climb down (16)

Visit tavern (14)

Page 4
Following the stench, Kolb found a filthy orc! The orc snarled and charged Kolb with his spiked club.
Raise Shield (9)

Swing Axe (13)

Page 5
Treading through the marsh, Kolb discovered a wailing ghost blocking his way.
Attack Ghost (15)

Give Gold (10)

Page 6
The head of the axe lodged itself in the tough, scaly neck of the beast. It wailed and thrashed, but Kolb held on and eventually sawed through the neck, killing the beast. Kolb returned home victorious, and his village was never bothered by the dragon again.

Page 7
Leaving the marsh behind him, Kolb could see the dragon's lair nearby, as well as a small, welcoming tavern.
Go to the Lair (16)

Go to Tavern (14)

Page 8
A strong gust of wind blew Kolb's torch out, and knocked him into a pit where split his head and died

Page 9
The orc cackled as his club splintered Kolb's shield and smashed into his face. There Kolb died, and the orc had soup from his bones

Page 10
Kolb remembered a story his Gran told him and tossed to gold chits for the ghost, and it faded away allowing him to pass
Turn to Page (7)

Page 11
Kolb crept towards the belly of the beast, but no sooner had he taken his eyes off the head of the beast than it snapped him up and ate him whole, axe and all

Page 12
Climbing up, Kolb found a camp. He met a wise man who shared bread and showed two paths to the dragon's lair. One went through the hills, the other through a marsh
Take the hills (3)

Take the marsh (5)

Page 13
Before the orc could strike, Kolb swung his mighty axe. The orc's head and club fell uselessly to the floor.
Turn to Page (3)

Page 14
Kolb stopped at the tavern to rest before fighting the dragon. High elves ran the tavern, however, and poisoned his mead so they could steal his gold.

Page 15
Kolb swung his axe as hard as he could, but the ghost hardly seemed to notice. The ghost drfted into Kolb, and a deep sleep took him over, from which he never awoke.

Page 16
Kolb found the lair where the dragon slept, tendrils of smoke wafting from its nostrils. The air made Kolb's eyes sting, and he nearly slipped on the bones of men, picked clean. The beast lay on its side, the throat and belly both waiting targets
Strike the Neck (6)

Strike the Belly (11)

Page 17
Kolb stepped into the frozen cave, but his Nord blood kept him warm, A smelly tunnel climbed a head of him, and wind howled from another to his left. A ladder was nearby as well.
Take the smelly tunnel (4)

Take the windy tunnel (8)

Climb the ladder (12)

Ultima modifica di: monpracem
Feb-12-12 16:48:37
Scienziato Pazzo
Cavaliere del Sole
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Re: Omaggio ai librigame in Skyrim

carino, per avere solo 17 pagine!

ma sbaglio o pagina 12 è un omaggio a lupo solitario, in cui si è sempre messi davanti alla scelta del percorso da prendere (e mi pare ci sia un numero in cui la scelta è proprio fra colline/montagne e palude, ma non saprei dire quale)?

mi trovate anche su http://temalibero.forumfree.it/
le foto dei miei doppioni su flickr

Barone del Sole
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Re: Omaggio ai librigame in Skyrim

ma dai! dimmi dove trovarlo!

Il poeta costruisce castelli in aria;
il matto li abita;
lo psicologo incassa l'affitto.

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Re: Omaggio ai librigame in Skyrim

Molto carino, hanno riproposto come in Drakensang un omaggio ai librogame. Certo, il volumetto del videogame ispirato al GDR tedesco era molto più curato e accattivante. Comunque Skyrim l'ho iniziato e promette di essere un RPG notevolissimo, anche se non so se avrò la possibilità di giocarlo a fondo considerati i limiti di tempo e l'enorme dispendio di ore che il gioco richiede...

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