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The Window - 2nd edition

The Window - 2nd edition

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nel caso non lo conosciate, vi invito alla lettura di The Window, liberamente scaricabile dal sito dell'autore in inglese e francese.
A dire il vero, esiste una versione deluxe, con qualche correzione ed un'appendice, ma il sistema è rimasto pressoché identico. Non so perché non sia disponibile, dal momento che il sistema è gratuito, ma potete facilmente trovare l'ultima versione HTML (1.6.2) con muli ed asini vari.

Dal 1997, ho iniziato a basare i miei sistemi di Gdr e le mie partite sulle idee e meccaniche di The Window, che si focalizzano su un sistema semplice e votato all'interpretazione. Certo, negli anni sono usciti altri sistemi leggeri (e gratuiti), ed alcune regole potrebbero essere variate; eppure consiglio la lettura del manuale a tutti, poiché The Window presenta una visione del Gdr che a mio parere va nella giusta direzione.

What it is.

The Window is a transparent portal into the imagination, a role-playing system designed with the simple belief that role-playing is about story and character and not about dice and dick waving. For over five years now The Window has been quietly infiltrating the role-playing community, changing and growing on the progressive edge of the hobby.
Many of the people who have started using The Window had long since concluded that the term "role-playing system" is a contradiction in terms. Structure for structure's sake limits creativity and too many rules interrupt the narrative flow. What they wanted was a system working as transparently as possible, allowing them to build the story without concerning themselves with empty mechanics or mathematical charts. They also were looking for something that would quickly and seamlessly mould itself around their own stories and settings, a universal set of rules which could fit any genre without being generic and flavourless.
That is what The Window strives to be: simple, usable, and universal. There's not a lot to it, admittedly, but that's the whole idea. In the end, The Window is more a system of philosophy than a system of rules; if you share these viewpoints on role-playing then you'll probably like these mechanics, and if you don't, you probably won't.
In addition to all its flighty philosophical bonuses, The Window is also free! You can take this text and do with it as you wish (for your personal use, mind you). Make photocopies, download it, print it out, email it to your friends in Australia, whatever you like. Please, just give us credit for the work that we have done, and include a copyright notice like the one on the credits page. (And if you think that The Window isn't worth the photons it's printed on, at least you didn't pay $30 for it like all those dozens of commercial systems collecting dust on your bookshelf!)

Fatemi sapere!

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Re: The Window - 2nd edition

@TheWanderer: questo gioco è molto interessante, ti ringrazio di averlo segnalato.

"We will survive, fighting for our lives, the winds of fortune always lead us on,forever free, for the world to see,the fearless masters, Masters of the sea"

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Re: The Window - 2nd edition

Sì, è ben fatto, vale la pena leggerlo.

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