Leanor + Rodion + 4Re: Leanor + Rodion + 4 [MOSSA]
When i am king you will be first against the wall
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Re: Leanor + Rodion + 4 [MOSSA]
A head full of dreams
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Re: Leanor + Rodion + 4 [MOSSA]
When i am king you will be first against the wall
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Re: Leanor + Rodion + 4 [MOSSA]
A head full of dreams
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Re: Leanor + Rodion + 4 [MOSSA]
When i am king you will be first against the wall
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Re: Leanor + Rodion + 4 Anche i pescatori sembrano fuggire impauriti: si dirigono tutti verso la zona centrale del Krarth.
"Lo sai come dev'esse lo sguardo del carabiniere? Pronto, acuto e profondo".
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Re: Leanor + Rodion + 4 Mi sembra familiare? Non ricordo se c'era fumo nero nella mia visione...comunque potrebbe corrispondere a quel che ho visto, almeno superficialmente?
A head full of dreams
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Re: Leanor + Rodion + 4 [MOSSA]
"Lo sai come dev'esse lo sguardo del carabiniere? Pronto, acuto e profondo".
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Re: Leanor + Rodion + 4 [MOSSA]
A head full of dreams
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Re: Leanor + Rodion + 4 [MOSSA]
When i am king you will be first against the wall
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