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Il ritorno di "The Way of the Tiger" (Ninja)

Re: Il ritorno di "The Way of the Tiger" (Ninja)

Yaztromo ha scritto:

La sua e' una recensione dopo una lettura in anteprima (l'autore e' un suo amico...).
Fai tu.

No appunto, non è che metta in dubbio la legittimità della cosa wink

Ho letto il paragrafo dove dice che il libro gli è piaciuto, ma ho saltato tutta la descrizione della trama e dei personaggi. Non voglio rovinarmi nessuna sorpresa.

Barone del Sole
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Re: Il ritorno di "The Way of the Tiger" (Ninja)

Mah... io ho letto tutto l'articolo e non ho trovato particolari anticipazioni che potrebbero rovinare la sorpresa....

Un' idea, un concetto, un' idea, finche' resta un' idea e' soltanto un' astrazione.
Se potessi mangiare un' idea avrei fatto la mia rivoluzione.

re fuso
Barone del Sole
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Re: Il ritorno di "The Way of the Tiger" (Ninja)


I am sorry to speak in English, not Italian, but no one on my team knows Italian.  This is Richard S. Hetley, the person managing the Kickstarter for The Way of the Tiger.

I am coming by to thank you for your interest!  Google Translate tells me that you have discussed our project since the "soft launch" in August.  I see questions and concerns, and I hope we have answered them for you.  I am also very, very grateful to those who are pledging to the project.

I saw in the magazine Fighting Fantazine that there is a lot of interest in "librogames" in Italy.  Even so, I was surprised to see a four-page thread about us in Italian!  I hope we satisfy your expectations, and I am glad for your support.

Richard S. Hetley (for Megara Entertainment)

Sir Knight
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Re: Il ritorno di "The Way of the Tiger" (Ninja)

Hi Richard,
the interest for librogames in Italy was always big and it is still important compared to most other nations, as this community shows.
The problem is that publishers never really focussed on Italian market and that not many Italians can read and enjoy reading in English.
Have a look at libriNOSTRI section and you'll find some good surprises.

Un' idea, un concetto, un' idea, finche' resta un' idea e' soltanto un' astrazione.
Se potessi mangiare un' idea avrei fatto la mia rivoluzione.

re fuso
Barone del Sole
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Re: Il ritorno di "The Way of the Tiger" (Ninja)

hello and welcome here Richard smile
oh.. if only you could understand at least the topic titles on the forum tongue there are many more pages dedicated on The way of the tiger series, which was titled "Ninja" by the italian editor (hint hint wink )
one of the proposals I made to our admin, without and answer unfortunatelly, was to propose to you a translation agreement for book 0 and 7 with a very restricted distribution between who of us would have partecipated.. I hoped that some of them would have contacted you and check if there was any possibility for this.. but now that you stumbled upon us tongue

Cavaliere del Sole
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Re: Il ritorno di "The Way of the Tiger" (Ninja)

Goodmorning, Richard!
Our main concern is about the cost: 30$ is a steep price for two PDF files, whose production and shipment costs tend toward zero.
Beside, we are all still very disappointed about the abrupt ending of the series with the sixth book. We have been debating for several years about the reasons to publish such a crippled text and we were even more disappointed when the author looked sincerely surprised about our doubts.
This said, we are glad to have you here as a honored guest and hope you can forgive our not-so-perfect English.

"Se non volete sentir ragioni, sentirete il filo delle nostre spade!"

Tetro Lettore / Grim Reader
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Re: Il ritorno di "The Way of the Tiger" (Ninja)

Hello again,

It's really my obligation to understand the language of others.  I know a lot of Spanish, and I enjoy studying language in general, so I can follow either "not-so-perfect" English or Italian reasonably well.  I am just stuck speaking English myself!

Thank you Yaztromo, I have now looked at that section.  Ah yes, all these familiar authors!

Sabretooth, translation is a good idea but a little complicated.  Outside of English and Italian, I know The Way of the Tiger was translated into (and successful in) many languages in the 1980's.  You are the third person to mention it to us, so we know there is interest!  We would need a larger team for each new language: not just to do translation but to do native editing and catch what the translator missed, and also do a separate book layout for any change in text length.  However, that is to do the "perfect" job and then sell the finished product.  If you are talking about an "informal" job that doesn't go into print, then you should discuss it with our boss Mikaël Louys, or the rights holder Fabled Lands LLP (and Dave Morris).

Rygar, we know that electronic files are getting cheaper and cheaper these days.  In a sense, it is terribly unfortunate: books don't deserve to undersell themselves that badly.  Yes, someone buying a .pdf is mostly giving us "free funding," but everybody understands that from the start, and the funding doesn't just vanish: without the right prices, we couldn't afford to create the full-color illustrated books in the first place.  Remember that they don't exist yet!

You also mentioned book 6.  The authors were forced to end the series that way because of their publishers, which made a lot of people unhappy.  Part of our purpose in creating this new version is to improve book 6 and generally integrate it better with the series.  We hope to satisfy the fans.

Thank you yet again, everyone, for your interest.  Hopefully the project will meet your expectations!

Richard S. Hetley

Sir Knight
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Re: Il ritorno di "The Way of the Tiger" (Ninja)

Meanwhile, la raccolta fondi è terminata e ha sfondato il tetto dei 45.000!!!!! Proprio gli ultimi minuti!

Tana delle Tigri non vivrà!

Damas "Leone Nero" - Damas solleva la faccia dall'arena e sputa un grumo di sangue scuro al suolo. Ha tutti i capelli davanti al viso e alle luci dei fuochi pare un'ombra nera che si staglia contro il riverbero delle fiamme - "E' tutto qui, bestione?"

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Re: Il ritorno di "The Way of the Tiger" (Ninja)

Whew, it's over!  Many, many thanks to those who backed or shared our project, because we met seven stretch goals!

If you missed the campaign but are still interested, you might keep an eye on our project updates or follow us on Facebook.  We now begin (continue, really) the long process of editing the books and filling them with art.  Your input would still be appreciated, and of course in the end all these books will go up for sale to the general public.

Thanks for your time these past few months, and here's to the future!

Sir Knight
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Re: Il ritorno di "The Way of the Tiger" (Ninja)

Sir Knight ha scritto:

If you are talking about an "informal" job that doesn't go into print, then you should discuss it with our boss Mikaël Louys, or the rights holder Fabled Lands LLP (and Dave Morris).

that's was what i was talking about.. something done by and for this community only tongue
some of us don't know english and therefore would not spend 30$ for Pdf books in a foreign language.. so we could translate the pdfs and give to our friends in here, while waiting for an official, if ever, translation and pubblication...
we did something similar with JoeDever's Magnamund Companion and CombatHeroes first pair of books, which were not translated in italian and MrDever granted us the rights to translation and distribution INSIDE the community...

Cavaliere del Sole
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