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Savage Worlds - Beasts and Barbarians Free Adventure

Re: Savage Worlds - Beasts and Barbarians Free Adventure

Come al solito, Mornon e` troppo avanti!
Hai vinto un cappellino e una maglietta di B&B (non appena ne faremo qualcuno)!

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Re: Savage Worlds - Beasts and Barbarians Free Adventure

Update importante!
Abbiamo quasi raggiunto il nostro target finanziario (grazie a tutti di cuore!), pertanto abbiamo deciso di alzare la posta! Se riusciremo a raggiungere il 750 dollari, includeremo un contenuto addizionale nel libro (abbastanza corposo, diciamo 10%), un'appendice per i giocatori!

I Discepoli del Tempio Nero
Guardatevi dagli alti, scheletrici figuri che vagano nelle strade di Caldeia dopo il tramonto, appoggiandosi ai loro bastoni di legno nero, poiche` la morte cammina la loro fianco: sono i temuti discepoli del Tempio Nero, signori delle ombre e cambiatori di forma...

Questo supplemento introduce nuovi vantaggi, oggetti, trappings e molto altro ancora che vi permetteranno di interpretare uno di questi oscuri stregoni nelle vostre partite. Riuscirete a scoprire i segreti del Takala-Na-Talaka, l'Albero della Morte o perirete nel tentativo?

Come sempre il link per partecipare al nostro progetto e` il seguente:


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Re: Savage Worlds - Beasts and Barbarians Free Adventure

Nuova avventura per Beasts & Barbarians uscita proprio oggi! "Shadows over Ekul" e` uno scenario molto lungo, con un altrettanto lungo sourcebook allegato dettagliante la remota landa di Ekul (di sapore medio orientale).
Riusciranno i nostri eroi a sventare le oscure trame dei Custodi della Fiamma Nera?

Come sempre potrete scoprirlo acquistando il pdf qui:

Ulesir Shah, Lord of Shan’Ammar, a coastal city in southern Ekul, is going to marry the beautiful Karmella, daughter of the powerful Lord of Teluk’Ammar, in a dynastic marriage that will bring prosperity to both cities.

But someone, or something, scares Ulesir so much that he dare not leave his well-protected palace to travel north and take his legitimate bride. The marriage becomes more unlikely with every passing day…

Only a group of diehard scoundrels can aid the prince in this delicate situation.

Mysterious assassins, the treacheries of a courtly life, and a dark prophecy await the heroes in this epic adventure in the shadows of the Iron Mountains.

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Re: Savage Worlds - Beasts and Barbarians Free Adventure

In bocca al lupo al grande Kaltorak e allo sviluppo del suo mondo di Bestie e Barbari...

"Un velo nero ti impedisce di vedere altro. La tua vita termina qui: nel campo di battaglia, con la mitica Blood Sword tra le mani, felice per la sconfitta dei Veri Maghi." Adriano, Blood Sword PBM

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Re: Savage Worlds - Beasts and Barbarians Free Adventure

Con un po' di ritardo posto l'annuncio della mia ultima fatica editoriale:

The mysterious Moloke-tanu hunting in the tall grass of the Ivory Savannah…
The Yellowfingers lurking in the darkest tombs of the Cairnlands…
The Yarakan, or Great Devourers, dreaming memories of a fallen empire…
Ten monsters of the Dread Sea Dominions, each with a dedicated Savage Tale, await you within.
In addition, a Player Appendix to let you play the dreaded Disciples of the Black Temple!
Grab your battleaxe, ready your bow, and prepare to face the Creatures of the Dread Sea Dominions!

This book presents ten monsters and NPCs typical of the Dread Sea Dominions, complete with stats, descriptions, and a complete Heroic Tale you can use as a stand-alone adventure, or customize to fit your campaign.
The scenarios are designed for a party of 4–6 Seasoned heroes, but you can alter them for more experienced groups. They can be played in any order, though some tales work better in the given sequence (check each tale’s Requirements). Each scenario also includes a Hook, which you can use as inspiration for your own
stories as well.
Each group of foes is based in a different area of the Dominions and evenly distributed across the lands, giving your party opposition in each major nation of the setting. However, you can relocate them to countries work better for your campaign.
In addition you find an Appendix, dedicated to players, to play the mysterious Disciples of the Black Temple, a sect of dark sorcerers with an even darker master.

To use this compendium you need copies of the Savage Worlds and Beasts and Barbarians rulebooks.

Come sempre, potete accattarvelo per una manciata di euri al link di seguito:
http://www.rpgnow.com/product/104616/Be … -Dominions

Buon Ferragosto a tutti

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Re: Savage Worlds - Beasts and Barbarians Free Adventure

Ne darai un assaggio anche a PineRole Game II?

"Un velo nero ti impedisce di vedere altro. La tua vita termina qui: nel campo di battaglia, con la mitica Blood Sword tra le mani, felice per la sconfitta dei Veri Maghi." Adriano, Blood Sword PBM

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Re: Savage Worlds - Beasts and Barbarians Free Adventure

Chi e` stato a Pinerole Games I ha gia` giocato una delle avventure di Beasts of the Dominions.
Quindi non sono ancora sicuro, forse a Pine Role Games II faro` "assaggiare" una nuova ambientazione top secret attualmente in lavorazione.

Altrimenti sicuramente qualcosa di Barbarico...

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Re: Savage Worlds - Beasts and Barbarians Free Adventure

Nuovo supplemento per Beasts and Barbarians, fresco fresco di pdf!

Tattered Banners - Bandits Lords and Mercenary Captains
Some of them are dirty, their weapons rusty, their bellies rumbling with hunger, but more deadly than
snakes. Others are splendid in their shimmering bronze armor, their swords impressive, and are looking
for glory and a reign for themselves.
They are mercenaries and bandits, the scum and outcasts of the civilized lands, come to pillage the rich
cities of the Dominions and to trample ancient thrones under their dusty sandaled feet...
Do you dare to be one of them?

Welcome back to the Dominions! This supplement focuses on one of the staples of Sword and Sorcery, mercenary companies and bandit bands. These assorted groups of fighters, scoundrels and rebels have more than once held in their blood-stained hands the history of the Dominions, and their dust-covered banners have shaped today’s kingdoms.

The involvement of the heroes with these organizations can be on multiple levels: they can be worthy and interesting opponents, patrons and friends, or even more interestingly, the characters can be members themselves, becoming powerful captains and feared bandit lords.
Does the idea of a rugged war band at your command appeal to you? Then read on, but beware, powerful men always have powerful enemies…

This sourcebook can be used with other fantasy settings with small changes.

Come sempre lo trovate, per una manciata di Euri, al link qui sotto:

http://www.rpgnow.com/product/105885/Ta … y-Captains

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Re: Savage Worlds - Beasts and Barbarians Free Adventure

Kaltorak sei una miniera inesauribile di manuali e avventure!!

"Un velo nero ti impedisce di vedere altro. La tua vita termina qui: nel campo di battaglia, con la mitica Blood Sword tra le mani, felice per la sconfitta dei Veri Maghi." Adriano, Blood Sword PBM

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Re: Savage Worlds - Beasts and Barbarians Free Adventure

Si cerca di lavorare duro nel tempo e con i mezzi che si hanno...

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