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Librogame Magnifico 2024, primo turno: vota il miglior LG dell'anno!

Demoniache Presenze Fortino Librarsi - 6.3%
Games of Death II Marolla Acheron - 0%
Ghasts ‘n Gremlins Di Lazzaro Acheron - 12.7%
Grafomante con Delitto Gherardi Bucciarelli Dracomaca - 7.1%
I Misteri delle Catacombe Angiolino Parapiglia - 1.6%
I Misteri di Babilonia Headline Collin MS Edizioni - 5.6%
Il Caso Victoria Cake Orsini Dracomaca - 0.8%
Il Palazzo dei Misteri Orsini Librarsi - 3.2%
In Cerca di Fortuna e altre storie da Ianua e dintorni Angiolino Plesio - 0%
Kadath Sergi Officina Meningi - 4%
Il Leone Bianco d'Acqua Giuliano GoG - 0.8%
L’Occhio della Furia d’Inverno Ward Giochi Uniti - 3.2%
Le Orme Rosse Orsini Rovagnati Lambda - 7.9%
Lo Stregone della Montagna Infuocata Jackson Livingstone Raven/Vincent Books - 7.9%
Mago Spacca Detective Privato Zamanni Rotelli Autoproduzione - 5.6%
Makthum La Fuga Cecchi GoG - 0%
Metal Heroes and the Fate of Rock Harder Raven/Vincent Books - 2.4%
Nel Vortice del Tempo Bailey Bailey Raven/Vincent Books - 0.8%
Oscura Carcosa Bianchini Aristea - 5.6%
Shugendo Simionato Acheron - 1.6%
Somora La Città della Menzogna Sussner Sussner Raven/Vincent Books - 0.8%
Turno di Notte Hancox Raven/Vincent Books - 4%
Una Notte da Cana Tartarotti MS Edizioni - 8.7%
Verso la Terrasanta Cresci Aristea - 9.5%

Voti totali: 126



In real life we can see that there are many things that are different from what we are in itself, like a doll, he is also in accordance with the image of our people imitation out of some of the physical signs of no physical, and The presence of this item makes many children happy. And these items are often a lot to help us human beings. For example, the wig type, he is born of our human kind of thing, but in the process of our growth, a lot of things will change.
It is understood that in many other countries, especially the South African countries, many of them need wigs because of the difference between climate and the region, their hair becomes dry, fragile and easy to fall. So you need some wigs to replace their original hair. However, the choice of wig is also a skill, some wigs on the skin of great harm, so choose to wear wigs must choose Zhilian clearance of the wig.

Ultima modifica di: Annie lewis
Giu-22-17 04:03:17
Annie lewis
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